Occupational Injury Data

Illinois Occupational Health Report Card

Employment Data: Illinois, 2017-2021 Heading link

Employment Characteristic 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of Employed persons age 16 years or older 6,156,000 6,196,000 6,197,000 5,677,000 5,983,000
Percentage of wage and salary workers who are members of a union 15.0 13.8 13.6 14.3 13.9
Percentage of civilian workforce unemployed 4.9 4.2 3.9 9.1 6.0
Average Number of Employed Persons in High Morbidity Risk 2002 Bureau of Census Occupations 688,644 695,792 712,367 710,766 No Data
Number of Employed Persons in High Mortality Risk Occupations 523,923 546,742 533,382 543,324 No Data
Number of OSHA-Covered Employees in the State that are Eligible for Inspection 5,233,355 5,272,983 5,290,771 4,904,416 No Data
*Cases are defined as work related if the primary insurance payer was a workers' compensation insurer.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total Emergency Department Visits 102,583 103,675 101,124 75,571 86,607
Total Inpatient Hospital Admissions 4,863 4,400 3,841 3,177 3,785
Total Amputations 577 513 611 453 509
Total Traumatic Brain Injuries 3,687 3,744 3,933 2,764 3,144
Total Poisoning from Occupational Toxic Exposures 1,023 1,030 966 746 891
Total Deaths in Hospital or Hospice Care 109 114 87 108 163
Any Acute Injury Involving Youth Ages 16 and 17 Years of Age 690 763 777 502 603
Any Acute Injury Involving Youth Ages 18 to 24 Years of Age 7,420 7,786 7,564 5,334 6,409

Select CSTE Occupational Health Indicators: Illinois, 2015-2019 Heading link

OHI # Occupational Health Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1.1 Estimated annual total number of OSHA recordable work related injuries and illnesses 118,200 116,000 108,200 110,000 104,800
1.3 Estimated annual total number of OSHA recordable cases involving days away from work’ 39,700 33,200 37,400 37,400 35,300
3.1 Annual number of work-related fatal injuries reported by CFOI 172 171 163 184 158
4.1 Estimated annual number of work-related amputations involving days away from work 210 300 190 260 360
7.1 Annual number of all musculoskeletal disorders involving days away from work 13,410 11,750 12,630 12,650 10,700
13.1 Annual number of residents with elevated blood lead levels (>=10 μg/dL) (Age is not available) 1,264 1,190 1,115 1,056 1,312
21.1 Weighted estimate of the number of ever-employed adults with current asthma who report that their asthma was caused or made worse by exposures at work No Data 398,504 368,244 367,302 412,206