Illinois Occupational Surveillance Program
Non-Governmental Key Partners
Illinois Poison Center – The State poison center has been an important partner for over 10 years. We have conducted multiple research projects with the poison center on issues relating to real-time surveillance of toxic exposures, suicides, pesticide poisoning monitoring, and clinical efficacy of poison center engagement in poisoning cases.
Community Health Partnership – CHP is a key partner in our occupational surveillance program funded by NIOSH. They work with translating our research into effective training and intervention programs for hired farm workers in Illinois.
The Illinois Partnership for Safety, housed at the Illinois Department of Public Health, has developed a strategic plan to reduce violence and prevent injuries in the state of Illinois. The plan is available for download here.
Midwest Injury Prevention Alliance
Chicago Workers’ Collaborative
Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Occupational Indicators
United Auto Workers – With the help of the UAW in identifying auto companies in Illinois, we analyzed occupational injuries in the automobile industry using workers compensation data. We found a very high recordable injury and illness rate compared to other economic sectors. We were able to look at factors related to demographics of the injured workers and also the diagnoses of the specific injuries.